Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 3-Haiti 2012

And all the multitude were seeking to touch Him, for healing power was all the while going forth from Him and curing them all [saving them from severe illnesses or calamities].
-Luke 6:19

Today was fun! I can't believe it's already been 3 days. The days here seem to be longer though. I think it's because I don't have a watch or anything to keep up with the time or something. This morning I started feeling really sick when I woke up and I was like oh no, this can't happen! So my missions momma gave me a ton of vitamins and a protein shake. Then we went to a pastors conference thing. So Todd (the evangelist of Fresh Fire Ministries) spoke to the pastors about his testimony and then answered questions they had and then he prayed for all of us on the team. I swear I felt so much better after he prayed for me. The whole service a couple of my team members were praying for me. I felt so sick! So thank the Lord I am not sick! We came back to the hotel for lunch and rest. Then we got back on the bus down to the compound. We took some more pamphlets to hand out to people on the streets. It was fun, but it got crazy fast! We stopped in the middle of their market and another leader on the trip, John gave his testimony. And we prayed for people. We had some people come to Jesus! It was great!!! Then we brought everyone into the compound and started worship. The people are so desperate and passionate nothing like any worship service I've seen in America! They were screaming and singing And jumping up and down and waving their arms. It was fun. I felt like famous or something I had little kids taking pictures of me. And several kids just stood around me and stared at me. I think they thought my braces were interesting. Haha. I had serveral kids ask me to give them my braces actually. I was like they dont come off! The crusade was awesome! There was of course the service then an alter call, so many people came up to get saved! It was great! Then we (the team) got to pray for the sick. This part was exciting but I was a little nervous cuz I've not done much of it at all! Seriously I was thinking today that I'd prayed for more people today than I have in my whole life! I don't know it that's true but it feels like it! So I started praying after my personal translater told me what hurt in their bodies. I prayed for a woman missing an eye ball first. I wanted that sucker to grow back so bad! Then I prayed for like a man with messed up eyes. His eyes were glazed over an they were like facing different directions and all that and I prayed for him and his eyes looked clearer and he said he could see! I was like you can!? I was more surprised than him. No joke!! Then I prayed for a girl who was deaf in one ear she said she could hear again! I was like no way! Dude people were getting healed left and right! And I saw people healed through my prayers! It was AWESOME!!!! I prayed for serval kids with night terrors like crying all night and having bad dreams. So I broke off the witchcraft and stuff, I wanna know if they get better!! Then I prayed for a woman who couldn't get pregnant. I had a lady get healed of either headaches or stomach aches I think it was. Can't remember. It ended too fast for me!! It was going great! The rest of team all had awesome miracles too! We had a baby healed of cerebral palsy and blind eyes and deaf ears opening. So praise the Lord!!! Can't wait to see what miracles happen tomorrow!!!!!


  1. Thats AMAZING, Ashley!!!! I'm so glad! :) Its so cool reading about how God is using you! Still praying for you and your team! :)

  2. Thanks girl!!:) it was so amazing!! Can't wait till Honduras!;)
